Off-site administration
Off-site administration policy for designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres (YFVCs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
In order to assure the quality and safety of yellow fever (YF) vaccine administration, YF vaccine can only be given at centres that have been designated. Under International Health Regulations (2005) it is the role of an individual country to regulate and ensure these standards are met. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland this falls to NaTHNaC.
In exceptional circumstances, YF vaccine may need to be administered at a site other than a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC). This is termed an off-site administration. Exceptional circumstances for off-site administration may include vaccination in a hospital setting for an individual with history of egg allergy (see below), a mobile occupational health unit providing a one-off vaccination service to industry, or vaccine administered on school premises not designated as a YFVC.
Home visits are not normally considered to be an exceptional circumstance. All 'exceptional' circumstances will be evaluated by NaTHNaC on an individual basis.
YFVCs wishing to arrange off-site YF vaccine administration must complete an application form (below).
For non-hospital settings YFVCs should allow at least two working weeks from receipt for this to be processed by NaTHNaC. Five working days are required for off-site vaccination in a hospital setting.
Off-site administration policy for designated YFVCs
In most circumstances, travellers who need yellow fever vaccine attend the premises designated by NaTHNaC as a YFVC in order to receive their vaccine.
Immunisation away from the YFVC is discouraged, however, there may be exceptional circumstances when yellow fever vaccine will need to be administered at a site other than the designated YFVC; All exceptional circumstances will be evaluated by NaTHNaC on an individual basis.
Off-site administration of yellow fever vaccine should comply with the following regulations:
- The 'party' providing and administering the yellow fever vaccine must be a designated YFVC
- All conditions of designation must be adhered to
- Arrangements for delivery and storage of YF vaccine to an off-site vaccination premises must meet acceptable standards
- Administration of vaccine will take place as it would within the premises of a YFVC, e.g.
- the cold chain is maintained
- resuscitation equipment is available
- consent is obtained
- the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) is completed accurately
- vaccine and sharps are disposed of safely
- Records of vaccination should be stored within a YFVC
All practitioners are professionally accountable for their practice.
All YFVCs that wish to vaccinate away from their premises must request to do so from NaTHNaC in writing.
Off-site administration of yellow fever vaccine in a hospital setting
Exceptionally, it may be appropriate for a traveller to receive YF vaccine in a hospital setting, which may not have designated YFVC status.
All YFVCs that wish to arrange for YF vaccine to be administered away from their premises in a hospital setting should discuss with a nurse advisor at NaTHNaC. Please either:
- Contact the NaTHNaC Advice Line for health professionals or
- Email: (with Yellow Fever Off-site Application in the subject box).
NaTHNaC cannot arrange for vaccine to be administered in a hospital setting. YFVCs are required to adhere to a protocol regarding any such arrangement, which will be explained as part of the enquiry process.
Please note, NaTHNaC requires a minimum of five working days to process applications for off-site administration in a hospital setting. Administration in a hospital setting (where possible) can take time to arrange and is the responsibility of the YFVC. Please consider this when counselling the traveller.